Resolutions, Rest, and Renewal

I don’t know about you, but every January 1st that’s passed since 2020 has felt a little lackluster. Actually, I know I’m not alone in this, because I saw a TikTok about the same thing and I’m pretty sure it had 500k likes. But I guess I’m here to ask: is that really a bad thing?

In the past, in our world that doesn’t exist anymore, we put so much pressure on this little made up holiday (for literally thousands of years, humans celebrated the new year at the Spring Equinox) to not only be the most fun night of the year somehow, but also to deliver a new us. The improved versions of ourselves who were miraculously free of all flaws and vices, and who achieved everything they set their minds to because they no longer got distracted from their goals or sidetracked by life.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s something really wonderful about that clean slate. Leaving the past year and all of its trials and tribulations behind. Starting fresh, with new perspectives and the knowledge we’ve gained through our struggles. But that can happen any time. In fact, isn’t it better if we start fresh more than once a year? And if we do it in time with our life’s natural cycles?

We all have periods of lows and highs. Coming down from a high, especially when it’s directly into a low, feels terrible. It’s fresh enough that we remember how amazing we felt a couple of weeks ago when everything was going our way. The same is true when we finally recover from our low points. It’s like being sick, and being unable to breath through your nose for days or weeks on end. How EXCITED are you when you can finally breathe again? And you promise to never take it for granted again. And then you always do.

My point is, we can get that clean slate whenever we want. We don’t have to wait for January 1st to take a moment to reflect on our wins and losses, or to actively decide to be different than we were yesterday.

All that being said, I thought I would share my resolutions on here. There’s a magnificent power in writing out our intentions.

  1. Nurture myself first, so that I’m better able to show up and serve those I care about.

  2. Know my value.

  3. Open my mind and notice the possibilities around me.

That’s it. Three things that can be achieved in so many different ways that it’s nearly impossible not to do it. As I get older, I notice more and more when I begin to get set in old patterns. I think a key to graceful aging is being cognizant of this and doing what we can to actively change those beliefs.

I know this isn’t at all related to interior design, but I’m sorry I just don’t really care? I hope this hit home for you and I would love to know what your resolutions are for 2024 in the comments!

Til next time,



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An Introduction to Stevenson Lane