My Ideal Client

When you start a business and begin searching for everything you will need to know to get it off the ground, you find much of the same advice being offered time and time again. It’s recommended that before you start marketing your business, you identify your ideal clientele. Who is it that you are trying to reach? What do you want to offer them? Well… as straightforward as that may seem, I struggled quite intensely with answering those questions.

Why? Because I have never been one to put restrictions on myself. I have so much love for so many different kinds of people, and I adore nearly every design style I’ve ever encountered. To align myself with one niche could mean missing out on a fine opportunity just outside of it. Over time, I created something of a mantra for myself: “Those I am meant to work with will find me”. I truly believe that the right clients for me are the ones who feel as though they connect with me, my story, or my work in some way. It’s really no more complicated than that.

However, there are a set of criteria that I have found lead to beneficial and lasting client relationships. If I were to quantify this, my ideal client will:

  1. Trust the process and my expertise

  2. Be open to new ideas

  3. Be able to identify what they want in their heart, rather than what is deemed good and normal by the forces that be

  4. Understand that the goal is to achieve balance and harmony, not perfection

  5. See the true value of hiring a designer

It may seem strange to be posting this publicly, as I believe this information is often kept close to the vest. I can think of no better way to align with the right clients than to be entirely open and transparent from the get-go. Just as much as my job is simpler when I feel connected with my clients, you deserve to be trusting your home with someone you feel connected to. Hiring an interior designer is a vulnerable decision, and you want to work with someone who really understands you, your goals, and the way in which you approach your life.

In exchange for the five qualities listed above, I offer my clients:

  • Complete peace of mind. We take our time with decisions and don’t make a single commitment or purchase until we are 100% sure it’s the right move.

  • Unlimited access to my expertise. I do not withhold valuable information and knowledge - in fact, I hope that you feel you’ve learned a great deal by the time the project comes to a close.

  • Perspective. I know how easy it is to get swept up in the stress of a home project or renovation, and I’ll remind you as many times as I need to that it’s all going to be totally fine.

  • Friendship. This isn’t exactly typical, but I can’t help it! I started this business in the first place so that I could treat people exactly how I wanted to, with more kindness and empathy than is expected from a service provider.

  • Investment in your dreams and goals. It sounds crazy, but I care just as much about your home as you do. It will always be my #1 priority to make sure that you get exactly what you wanted out of your project.

  • A beautiful and balanced home. While this is likely the reason you are looking to hire a designer in the first place, I always hope that it is everything else I offer that truly resonates with people. Many designers can create a gorgeous home, but I like to think there are a select few of us who can make you feel safe and valued while we’re at it.

I’m so grateful to do what I love and to do it for so many amazing people. I think that there is a lesson to be learned from my inability to adhere to the rules of the business world. All of the advice we’re given and the paths we are supposed to follow for success are inherently based in black and white thinking. Everyone must follow, or else it is chaos. In truth, there is no single right way to do things. In fact, there are as many “right ways” as there are people on the earth. I’m beginning to think it’s all about finding the people who understand and respect your way.

Until next time,



All White Everythang