16 Things To Do At Home This Fall

It’s finally September! Which means it’s time for this preemptive blog post filled with fun things to do at home this fall. It’s not like I’m planning for us to be locked down again when cooler weather rolls around, because that seems like it would be tremendously bad luck… but I do want to share ways to enjoy the season whether you’re allowed off your property or not ;) Apologies to all of my apartment dwellers out there - some of this is less achievable if you don’t have outdoor space.

#1 - Movie Marathon

No, I’m not just talking about throwing on a flick and only half watching while you casually browse social media on your phone. Plan it out. Pick a trilogy or series, or pick a few that you love ahead of time. Get snacks, make cozy drinks. Find all of your best blankets. Dim the lights, set up some candles, and put your phones away. The more effort you put in, the more you’re going to enjoy it! (Need recommendations? See my post Best Fall TV & Movies in 2021)

#2 - Build a Fort

Seems like a lot of work, right? Well that’s the point. You’re looking for activities to keep you busy! Building a fort involves strategy. You need to problem solve and have a basic understanding of physics and engineering (kind of). If you live with other people, you’ll need to work as a team! Best of luck if there are little ones involved. Bonus points for setting up a fort for your movie marathon.

#3 - Have a Game Night

Like the first activity, make this a real *thing*. Invite some friends over and plan it all out. Snacks, beverages (alcoholic will always make things more interesting), and request that people either bring a favorite game or give you ideas ahead of time. I promise, not matter what age you are, this is going to be a good time. Sorry to all of my friends in other countries that are currently in lockdown :( You can make this work with just two people, or try it virtually!


#4 - Bake an Autumnal Treat

Even if you’re crap at baking, now is the time to sharpen your skills! Find a good recipe on Pinterest, make sure you have the ingredients, and give it a whirl. Your house will smell incredible and you’ll end up with a fun treat to get you in the fall mood.

#5 - Make Candles

I promise this is not very hard at all. I’ll be posting a how-to in a couple of weeks that will tell you everything you need to know. Not only is this a time consuming and satisfying activity, but it’s a great way to get fall scents and cozy moods in your home without all of the toxicity from some store-bought candles.

#6 - Write Scary Stories

This one will be more fun for creative types/those with children. Either create your own prompt (i.e., everyone has to write about an old woman living alone in her house) or let everyone run wild. Read them aloud with spooky flashlights and vote for a winner!

#7 - Have a Reading Day

Cozy up with a good book (this is best saved for a rainy day). If you live with others, have them join you! Lounge about, enjoy the story, and exchange exciting things happening in your book. You’ll likely end up in fun discussions instead of reading, but at least you’re not bored! Make sure phones are off and out of the way.

#8 - Host a Fall Themed Dinner Party

Again, this will be easier for those not in lockdown, however, having a dinner party for one is a pretty neat idea. If you’re having guests, assign them a fall dish to bring. Pair it with wine for a luxurious evening amongst friends (real or imaginary).

#9 - Buy a Projector

If you own/rent a home or live in a place with enough outdoor space, a projector can really spice up your binge watching experience. You can find them on OfferUp, Facebook marketplace, and any other app that features used goods. No need to spend a fortune.

#10 - Decorate the House

This activity could easily keep you occupied for an entire day. Buy some flowers from your local nursery, pick up leaves in your backyard, or go thrifting for bric-a-brac. Do me a favor and stay away from dollar stores and the like. Be original and organic. Your home will feel better for it! Check out Pinterest for wonderful DIY fall decor ideas.

#11 - Go For a Walk/Drive

Okay technically this involves leaving the house, but technically you don’t actually have to go anywhere. All of the glorious foliage is right at your fingertips! Mosey about aimlessly or find a destination that looks promising. This season is so short, it’s meant to be enjoyed fully.

#12 - Plant Something

Autumn can be a great time to plant in the ground - as long as you get it in there well before the first frost. For trees, you should really get them in the ground by mid-September. For smaller plants, October can still work! Mums are my personal favorite, and they come in annual varieties as well! If you don’t have dirt to dig in, or don’t quite feel like doing all of that work, find some cute planters and stick them in there.

#13 - Organize Your Home

Perhaps not as much fun as some other items on this list, you’ll thank me for this one later. We’re heading fast into winter, freezing temps and weeks straight of barely leaving the house. Having things organized, dusted, and in their rightful places will make your fall and winter season so much cozier.

#14 - Have a Picnic

Have a yard? A balcony? A fire escape? Then you can have a picnic! Get a sheet (plaid is best), some blankets if it’s chilly, and pack up a box full of your favorite foods. Cheese boards are a classy picnic option - accompanied by fresh baked goods, apples, and coffee, you can’t go wrong!

#15 - Make a Fire

Inside if you have a fireplace, outside if you have a firepit or the means to build one yourself (so simple - here’s an article on how to do it). The smell of a fire going is somehow synonymous with autumn. Put on your favorite sweater and enjoy the warm coziness of it all. Being surrounded by foliage and sipping a cider will complete the experience.

#16 - Decorate Pumpkins

I won’t recommend carving pumpkins, because frankly I can’t handle the mess. If you’re into it, hats off to you! If not, decorating them can be just as fun. Glitter, paint, sharpies, and stickers can help you create pumpkin art that all the neighbors will envy.

I hope one or two things on this list appealed to you! Feel free to leave any other ideas down in the comments - I would love to see what else you do to celebrate this wonderful season.

All the best,



10 Trees to Plant for Incredible Fall Foliage


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